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Writer's pictureAntonie Kjosas

Worried You Could Never Become the 'Dream Version' of You?

Sometimes, when we think about the most authentic version of us, that person we want to be, it's easy to feel like we could never really become her. And usually, it's because we tell ourselves something along the lines of "I'm not as [fill in the word] as I'd like to be."

"I'm not as affectionate as I'd like to be."

"I'm not as passionate as I'd like to be."

"I'm not as competent as I'd like to be."

"I'm not as confident as I'd like to be."

"I'm not as assertive as I'd like to be."

You get the picture...

And telling ourselves these stories make us believe there is no way we could become 'her.' We believe that what we envision about ourselves in the future, is somehow just out of reach. But, we couldn't be more wrong.


Here's the thing: If you dream it, you can become it. But I mean if you really yearn for it. I'm not talking those half-thought-out ideas you have about owning a yacht one day. I mean those deep, underlying, undeniable desires you have to embody your most confident self, to create a real impact on the world, or to develop your dream business.

The Universe (or your creator) doesn't give you genuine dreams unless you were able to make them a reality. And, it wouldn't make you desire qualities - unless they were already within you.

You might not believe me right now, but I assure you - the things about yourself you're telling yourself "you couldn't possibly..." Oh yes, you could most definitely.


Take a moment to think about people you admire. It can be people you know, like family members or friends, or people you know of, like celebrities or well-known people. Make a list in your journal with at least 5-10 people you truly admire. You don't need to admire or aspire to everything about them, but they have certain qualities, habits, or a lifestyle you admire.

Then, take a few minutes to journal about why you admire these people specifically. Write about one person at a time and answer: What about this person do I admire?

Once you've written a bit about each of the people on your list, take a moment to go over what you've written. And while doing so, ask yourself: Why do I admire these traits specifically? Think about it: Someone else would look at the exact same person and spot completely different aspects, so what makes you notice those things specifically?

Not completely sure why? Let me explain. The qualities you uniquely admire about someone else isn't random. It's not because you desperately wish you could be like them. It's because you already possess those qualities. It's because you already hold a similiar vision, mindset, or personality traits and you see those in others because other people are a mirror to you.

Other people reflect back to you what you radiate out into the world. Have you ever noticed that when you spend a lot of time judging other people, you also tend to assume others are judging you? Or people who make decisions based on greed, tend to assume so does everyone else - even though that isn't true?

We get back what we give in this world. And, we notice, observe, and cherish the qualities in others that we already hold within ourselves.


That's why becoming the woman of your dreams isn't about becoming something you're not or couldn't ever tap into. It's about uncovering parts of yourself that have been hidden underneath other people's conditioning, fears, and limitations. And it's about coming home to your true self.

Ready to start opening up to the possibility of becoming your highest self, now rather than in 20 years when you "have it all figured out?" Check out my free course on how to Stop Living on Autopilot and Awaken Your Highest Self in 7 Days with the Feminine Archetypes to do just that.

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